The assignment for students is to review a recent conference or journal submission, following these assignment instructions. Coaches are asked to follow the guidelines on this page to suggest a grade that reflects their performance on this task.


Dimension Weight Description
Content 70% Sensible recommendation(s) with appropriate justification showing that the student understands the paper?
Tone 10% Positively critical?
Style/form 10% Clear structure with correct English?
Reflection 10% Fine interpretation of own review in context of other reviews?

Grade calibration

The intuition for grading is that the grade should reflect the amount of work that is still necessary before you could use the review they wrote in your own evaluation of the paper. Do not blame the student for having a (properly substantiated) opinion different from your own.

Scores should reflect the review quality as follows:

  • lousy review, combined with misunderstandings of the paper: below 6
  • if the student wrote a fine review, but based on misunderstandings of the paper, it could still be a 6 (if a rather easy paper) and perhaps even a 7 (if a pretty difficult paper)
  • if substantial parts of the review (could) have been forwarded to the authors: at least an 8
  • if you yourself couldn’t have done better: don’t hesitate to give a 10

Take into account how much guidance you gave / had to give.